Make your picks in the Scottish Open Prediction Contest. Deadline: 28 Nov, 11:00 CET.

Tournaments: 2001/2002: Invitational: Champions Cup | Scottish Masters | Masters | Irish Masters

Citywest Irish Masters 2002

Citywest Hotel, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Mar 19-24 (RTE)
Invitational tournament
�251,000 purse


Players are English unless stated


Best of 19 frames

John Higgins (Scotland) 10-3 Peter Ebdon

91-39 (91) 61-14 46-71 63-2 133-4 (109) 56-66 (56-52)
69-62 (69-62) 78-0 (78) 61-30 (55) 87-18 19-94 (64) 79-0 (79) 78-39


Peter Ebdon                6-3 Ken Doherty (Ireland)
John Higgins (Scotland)    6-5 Matthew Stevens (Wales)


Peter Ebdon                6-4 Mark J Williams (Wales)
Ken Doherty (Ireland)      6-4 Stephen Lee
John Higgins (Scotland)    6-4 Stephen Hendry (Scotland)
Matthew Stevens (Wales)    6-2 Ronnie O'Sullivan

Round 1

Peter Ebdon                6-2 Joe Swail (N.Ireland)
Stephen Lee                6-4 Paul Hunter
Stephen Hendry (Scotland)  6-2 Fergal O'Brien (Ireland)
Matthew Stevens (Wales)    6-5 Jimmy White

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Previous Masters Last Modified: Wednesday November 26 2014